Upman Mahila Sansthan
1. Project for Strengthening Sustainable Livelihood through Community Based Groups
This project is being run in 30 villages of Bangara development block of Jhansi district and has five components:
a. Formation of Community Based Groups
So far 105 savings groups, 30 youth groups, 30 labourers' groups and 30 farmers' clubs have been formed. So far 5,600 families have been given motivation and training for improving their livelihood options.
b. Organic Farming Related Demonstration
Fifty farmers have been selected and given inputs on cultivation of jatropha, satawar and ghrit kumari. They have also been given inputs on Nadep and Vermi-composting, and phernopnar for deep harrowing.
c. Educational Excursions
Educational excursions to the organisations in neighbouring areas are regular component of this project so that they can learn by seeing others.
d. Training and Workshops
Training are organised for the group members on topics like leadership, gender, right to information, self help group formation and management, income generation activities and their management, advocacy, legal awareness, cleanliness, improved agriculture, and bio fertilisers and their production.
e. Formation of Groups' Federation
A federation of the groups formed under the project has been formed on cluster approach.
Funder: DFID (Department for International Development, United Kingdom) through IGSSS (Indo Global Social Service Society)
2. Uttar Pradesh Health System Development Project
An 'Abhinav Swasthya Kendra' (unique health centre) has been established in a remote village. The villagers had to cover 20 to 40 km distance to avail services of a doctor. A lady doctor is giving her services at this centre once a week and a doctor is giving his services thrice in a week. As a result of these efforts, immunisation, safe delivery and polio drop coverage has gone up in the village.
Funder: UPHSDP (Uttar Pradesh Health System Development Project)
3. Residential Bridge Course
This project entails associating the girls in 10 to 14 years age by enrolling them in residential educational centre. At present, the centre is catering to as many as 62 girls. But despite best efforts, only 60 to 70 per cent girls have been retained.
Funder: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Government of Uttar Pradesh