Upman Mahila Sansthan

Women Empowerment

Since women are primary target of Upman, women empowerment is the mainstay of the organisation. In fact in all the activities of the organisation, interests of women are given due concern.

When it comes to women empowerment, awareness generation among the women is given due priority for the organisation is of the view that lack of awareness is main reason behind the present condition of women. Tools like individual meetings, group meetings, camps, etc., are used for awareness generation among women. These awareness  generation activities cover topics like health, education, panchayati raj, environment, legal information, etc.

Another way of women empowerment is getting women the benefits of government welfare schemes like old age pension, widow pension, loans, etc. So far hundreds of women (and men) have availed themselves of the benefit of the government schemes.

To demonstrate power of empowered women, a Mahila Sammelan is organised on the occasion of International Women's Day.