Upman Mahila Sansthan
Economic Empowerment
For economic empowerment of women, self help groups of women are being formed. This activity is taking place in 30 villages. So far more than 92 self help groups have been formed and out of these 66 groups have been linked with banks for loans and cash and credit limit.
Other groups have also been formed:
- 30 youth groups
- 30 labourers groups
- 30 farmers groups
An overarching federation of these 182 groups is being formed on the basis of cluster approach. Once the federation is place and its capacity has been built upon, it will be a force to reckon with and its members will be in a position to bargain their due from the society.
For building capacity of the groups' members, training, workshops, exhibitions, padyatras (march over foot) have been organised. These events have covered the topics like leadership, gender, right to information, self help group formation and management, income generation activities and their management, advocacy, legal literacy and capacity development, cleanliness, improved agriculture, organic manures and products, etc.
So far 5,600 families have been motivated and trained for their livelihood.
Among the non-agriculture based vocations, Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme is underway. Two batches of 25 participants each have been imparted training in computer applications and beauticians' trade.